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Blogs y podcasts

Encuentre consejos sobre alfabetización temprana y libros infantiles en el Blog Infantil. Descubra su próxima gran lectura en el Blog de Libros, Películas y Música. Profundice en Cla historia de Nashville con el Blog de Historia de la Comunidad. Escuche relatos, historia y cultura en NPL Podcasts. Consulte esta Nota para los lectores.


Accepting our struggles doesn't mean they aren't hard to deal with in the moment. The truth is, we both have had some real stank, ugly, funky days, weeks, and months. Some days had us on the ropes, pinned down and fighting like no-name contenders. We were fighting to get out of the icky funk we were shoved into. Been in that ring lately? How did you fight the funk? We came out swinging. 

Diversity in the Workplace

In the book Diversity in the Workplace, Bari A Williams, Esq. conducts a series of interviews discussing some of the diversity challenges that happen in the workplace. The goal of this book is to induce conversations about privilege, identity and bias. 

Family Folktales logo

A king receives an envoy from a mighty emperor, but the envoy says not a word; he only traces a circle around the king’s throne. How are the king and his advisers supposed to interpret this message? 

Caterpillar bites into a blade of grass.

Storybook Trails provide a wonderful opportunity for children to engage with print in the natural world. Spread out over 19 different state parks in Tennessee, this project shares stories from picture books about the natural world! What better way to transform a short hike into a learning experience?!


Ohhhh, American South. We know there's more to your charm than buttery biscuits and magnolia trees, plantation tours and country tunes. Our relationship with you is complicated,'s ours. And we are telling the truth about what we love, and sometimes loathe, about our Southern roots.