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Encuentre consejos sobre alfabetización temprana y libros infantiles en el Blog Infantil. Descubra su próxima gran lectura en el Blog de Libros, Películas y Música. Profundice en Cla historia de Nashville con el Blog de Historia de la Comunidad. Escuche relatos, historia y cultura en NPL Podcasts. Consulte esta Nota para los lectores.

montana story 2021 starring owen teague and haley lu richardson
Two estranged siblings return home to their family's ranch. They find their father in a coma, and the home they once knew and loved unfamiliar and empty. They are left with a past of hurt and bitterness that must be confronted against a contemporary Western American backdrop.


Family Folktales logo

Three brothers set out on a quest to recover their father’s greatest treasure. Will any of them share their food with a limping fox, or take his help in finding their father’s treasure?


We didn't come her to play; we came here to work. Literally. And many of us are still moving at lightning speed from dawn to dusk. Sister Tricia Hersey, found f the Nap Ministries, says "rest is revolution." And we believe her. Are you ready to stop rushing and grinding and begin to revel in rest? 

Family Folktales logo

What would you do if an old woman broke into your house, ate your food, broke your furniture, and fell asleep in your bed? There’s no Goldilocks in this version of the classic story! 

The Fourth of July is a fitting day to reflect upon our country's history. These picture books help tell a honest, nuanced, and sensitive story of what the Fourth of July means to different people.