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Check out some great new books you may have missed.
This short story collection was a dream. Topics included dealing with an elderly parent, the uncovering of an affair, a blip in a long marriage, and helping an ex-wife move, all delivered with poignant humor. One of my favorites was Bridesmaid, Revisited, which starts, "It's hard to say why Marlee wears the bridesmaid's dress to work today."
The sections of this book that were set in the past were so immersive that I had the weird sensation I was living them. This reminded me a little of Metroland by Julian Barnes and a little of Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch. Recommended for Europhiles, lovers of detail, and/or people who were in college in the late eighties/early nineties.
I know these kinds of characters are polarizing, but I loved the narrative voice here. It called to mind Ottessa Moshfegh and Mrs. March by Virginia Feito.
This is why I love re-issues! Despite being originally released in 1939, this was a hilarious, fresh, and modern take on the end of the world. It was like a John Wyndham novel (but much, much funnier) or an apocalypse novel written by E.F. Benson. Speaking of E.F. Benson, please read his Mapp & Lucia series if you want to have the time of your life.
Reading this reminded me of the delight I felt reading Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned by Wells Tower for the first time. And I promise that I formulated that thought before seeing a blurb by Wells Tower on the back--good job, blurb solicitor! My favorites were The Artist's House, Wreck, and Cooper Goes to the Country.