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Encuentre consejos sobre alfabetización temprana y libros infantiles en el Blog Infantil. Descubra su próxima gran lectura en el Blog de Libros, Películas y Música. Profundice en Cla historia de Nashville con el Blog de Historia de la Comunidad. Escuche relatos, historia y cultura en NPL Podcasts. Consulte esta Nota para los lectores.

family folk tales logo

In this French tale, an impish little rogue who can transform himself into anything but a sewing needle seeks new victims for his tricks.


This COVID year has been tough. It's been a time of loss, fear, anxiety, fatigue and isolation.  So many of us are weary, weeping and waiting for relief.  We feel you. Tasneem and Andrea are grateful for survival and fascinated with the opportunities to save themselves from unbridled despair. Tell us: What are you doing to save your own life?

Pop Culture Nonfiction book covers

Here is my favorite type of book: the kind where you have to keep stopping to Google things.

self care kit contents

Self-care is the act of preserving your health and well-being, especially during times of stress. NPL staff share their favorite restorative practices to help them cope.

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After being conned by three rogues, how far will a man go to get his revenge?