Story Time with Wishing Chair Productions is a weekly "must" for children of all ages. You don’t want to miss Library Pete, Dr. Ev, and Mr. B as they sing, juggle, and read lots of wonderful books for your family.
Story Time with Wishing Chair Productions is a weekly "must" for children of all ages. You don’t want to miss Library Pete, Dr. Ev, and Mr. B as they sing, juggle, and read lots of wonderful books for your family.
Join us downtown for singing, juggling, dancing, and reading lots of books for the whole family.
Please double check the events calendar before visiting the library.
Color your own picture of Tommy Dog, Jimmy Giraffe, Coco, and Jahmbi. Bring it to story time!
Tommy Dog, Coco, Jimmy Giraffe, and Jahmbi make frequent appearances at story time! Who knows who might show up in the Puppet House?
Tommy Dog enjoys long walks in the park and makes his own delicious doggy biscuits. He loves to dig holes and tries to practice his harmonica every day.
Coco the Cow recently moooved home to Nashville to take care of her family farm after studying fashion design in Paris, France. She loves everything fashion, enjoys curating her large collection of hairbows and accessories, and makes the best chocolate milk in the region.
Jimmy Giraffe is a graduate of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Clown College. He loves bluegrass music, jumping on the trampoline, and snacks.
Jahmbi was born in the hills of Bogotá and migrated to Nashville due to the booming job market. Jahmbi has a soft spot in his heart for Lionel Richie, enjoys finding lost items in the grass, and loves a good password.