Free ESL and U.S. citizenship information at all library locations and select community centers.
Free ESL and U.S. citizenship information at all library locations and select community centers.
New Americans Corners can help New Americans in Nashville move along the path of citizenship. At these information booths, people can get free information about English language learning (ESL), immigration, naturalization, and citizenship. NPL and Parks also partner with local nonprofits to host English and citizenship skills classes.
New Americans Corner information booths are at all Nashville Public Library and select community centers:
Pathway for New Americans is a partnership between US Citizenship and Immigration Services and the city of Nashville. It’s a community-wide approach to promoting citizenship education and awareness in Davidson County.
This project is supported and managed by Nashville Public Library, in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods and Community Engagement and Metro Parks Community Centers.
Adult Literacy
Nashville Public Library