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المدونات والمدونات الصوتية

البحث عن نصائح لمحو الأمية المبكرة وكتب الأطفال على مدونة الأطفال. اكتشف قراءتك الرائعة التالية على مدونة الكتب والأفلام والموسيقى. انغمس في تاريخ ناشفيل من خلال مدونة تاريخ المجتمع. استمع إلى القصص والتاريخ والثقافة على مدونات مكتبة ناشفيل العامة (NPL). يرجى الاطلاع على هذه الملاحظة للقراء.

Adventures for the New Year, Adult Literacy Book Picks to Inspire Reading

Here are some of the Adult Literacy Staff's favorite picks from the Fresh Reads collection to inspire reading in the New Year. These titles seek to test the limits of our world and existence. Fresh Reads is a stigma-free book collection explicitly designed for adults learning to read. These are great resources for native English-speaking adults who are developing basic literacy and adults learning English as a second language. 


Family Folktales logo

A family’s daughter has disappeared while tending the flocks, and two of her brothers have never returned from their searches for her. Will the youngest son find them, or meet the fate of the others?

Fractured fairy tales are classic fairy tales with a new spin. Children LOVE funny books and books with surprises, which are pretty much a given in these types of stories! Read on to discover some of our favorite fractured fairy tales!

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Known for his Gothic or Victorian Gothic tales, Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814 – 1873) was the leading horror or ghost-story writer of the nineteenth century.  You may remember some of his excellent storytelling here on All Things Eerie in the tale of Carmilla, one of the earliest vampire stories.  


When you know better...say it Queen better! There are some lessons we have had to learn the hard way and hope we will now make better choices. Join us in truth-telling and share what lessons you have received from life. 

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"The Furnished Room"                        O. Henry

We introduce this evening another O. Henry story, "The Furnished Room," which gives us a nice taste of O. Henry's "other worldly" interests brought to bear in his most famous medium, the American short story, of which he is said to be one of its leading and most influential practitioners.