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Blogs y podcasts

Encuentre consejos sobre alfabetización temprana y libros infantiles en el Blog Infantil. Descubra su próxima gran lectura en el Blog de Libros, Películas y Música. Profundice en Cla historia de Nashville con el Blog de Historia de la Comunidad. Escuche relatos, historia y cultura en NPL Podcasts. Consulte esta Nota para los lectores.

Portrait of Genevieve Baird Farris

This edition of the Metro Archives' intern blog post series comes to you from summer intern, Sabrina Austin, who processed the Genevieve Baird Farris Collection for her internship project. While processing, Sabrina learned about the strong affection the Harris family had for each other, as well as how active they were in Nashville social life. Learn about them from Sabrina herself!


Said in our best Khalid voice, "can we just talk?" In this final episode of the season, we are taking time to listen to you. You've told us your opinions; you've asked questions that challenge us; you've shared candidly and we absolutely love it. Truth is, this episode is all about you! 

B.B Cronin's Lost series is an enchanting exploration through a world of color and beautiful scenery. Join Granpa and his grandchildren on their quests to find all the things (and people) they lost! These Seek and Find picture books are fantastic for readers of all ages.

Family Folktales logo

When a mother sends her three sons off with tasks for their intended brides to perform, the youngest doesn’t know where to turn – until he finds help from an unusual source.

Cooking with children is a great summer past-time and can help build motor skills and vocabulary! Here are some fabulous cookbooks for kids available at Nashville Public Library. WARNING: Reading this blog post may cause hunger and salivation.

Family Folktales logo

A prince keeps the unusual circumstances of his birth a secret from his bride; when he finally acquiesces, they both regret it. Can anyone make things right again?