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المدونات والمدونات الصوتية

البحث عن نصائح لمحو الأمية المبكرة وكتب الأطفال على مدونة الأطفال. اكتشف قراءتك الرائعة التالية على مدونة الكتب والأفلام والموسيقى. انغمس في تاريخ ناشفيل من خلال مدونة تاريخ المجتمع. استمع إلى القصص والتاريخ والثقافة على مدونات مكتبة ناشفيل العامة (NPL). يرجى الاطلاع على هذه الملاحظة للقراء.

Family Folktales logo

Three brothers set out on a quest to find three sisters who have vanished. Will any of them live happily ever after?

Book cover of When Dad Was Away by Liz Weir. Cover includes redheaded girl reading a book with a green cover against a yellow background.

December is a time of holiday celebrations for many families. For families with a parent currently incarcerated, however, the reality is very different. Picture books about incarceration can help children and parents talk about a complex topic that affects millions of children and families in the United States.

Scarritt-Bennett Center Collection - Celebration of Culture Festival

The semester is soon to wrap up, so Metro Archives is bringing you another cool blog post from our fall intern, Morgan Stence. Morgan processed the Scarritt Bennett Collection, primarily containing materials from the Celebration of Cultures Festival. Learn about it from her own words. 

501 Unarmed Self-Defense Skills

Self-defense is one of the most important skills I believe anyone should have. I like to say, “better to know but not need.” In 501 Unarmed Self-Defense Skills, Chris McNab gives you simple techniques you can use to ward off an attacker.

Family Folktales logo

A prince falls in love with a girl who lives in an eagle’s nest on top of a tree. Will she ever fulfill his heart’s desire and marry him? 

A person wearing black fingerless gloves holds a cardboard cutout in the shape of a house

November 12-20 is National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. Listen to a couple of Nashville StoryCorps interviews, from a formerly unhoused person and an activist for the poor and unhoused.

all things eerie logo

Welcome back to All Things Eerie and Part III of Sheridan LeFanu’s Carmilla.