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المدونات والمدونات الصوتية

البحث عن نصائح لمحو الأمية المبكرة وكتب الأطفال على مدونة الأطفال. اكتشف قراءتك الرائعة التالية على مدونة الكتب والأفلام والموسيقى. انغمس في تاريخ ناشفيل من خلال مدونة تاريخ المجتمع. استمع إلى القصص والتاريخ والثقافة على مدونات مكتبة ناشفيل العامة (NPL). يرجى الاطلاع على هذه الملاحظة للقراء.

Photo of 9/11 Memorial in NYC

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and to remember all those lost due to that day's tragic events, this post takes a look back at that day through the eyes of several Library staff members, and a few other unique perspectives. 

Fall brings with it a new crop of apples ready to be enjoyed.  Many elementary school students are learning about apples and the folk hero known as Johnny Appleseed. 

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“Ashputtle,” is one of large number of fairy and folk tales published by the Brothers Grimm – Jacob and Wilhelm. The brothers were Hessian academics, philologists, cultural researchers, lexicographers, and authors who together collected and published folklore during the 19th century.

New Nonfiction

2021 has been a great year for nonfiction so far.  Here are four titles you may have missed:

Family Folktales logo

Three brothers have acquired amazing skills; who will most impress their father, and earn the inheritance? 

The halcyon days of late summer, 1963, brought about one of the most significant actions of the era.  It brought attention to the problems of inequality and the demands of a people who were willing to stand together and say, "no more."  Congress heard and acted. 

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“Two Friends,” by French short story maestro Guy de Maupassant, is a melancholic story about loyalty in which the characters Sauvage and Morissot share far more than a passion for fishing during wartime.