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Encuentre consejos sobre alfabetización temprana y libros infantiles en el Blog Infantil. Descubra su próxima gran lectura en el Blog de Libros, Películas y Música. Profundice en Cla historia de Nashville con el Blog de Historia de la Comunidad. Escuche relatos, historia y cultura en NPL Podcasts. Consulte esta Nota para los lectores.

family folk tales logo

You may already know this story! A woodcutter and his wife have no more food for their family, and so decide to take their 2 children into the forest and abandon them to their fates. They are taken in by an old woman living in a fantastical house, but all is not as it seems.

elevation by stephen king

Scott Carey looks normal, yet he is gradually losing more and more weight. The problem is he has no idea why this is happening, and he is scare of what might happen when the scale reads zero.