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Welcome to The Arabian Nights Entertainments! This is the fourteenth of 16 parts that make up Andrew Lang’s The Arabian Nights Entertainments. In this series, you’ll hear some familiar stories, some new stories, and even stories within stories. Today’s story is The Enchanted Horse. A king is determined to possess a mechanical horse that can easily travel vast distances when his headstrong son leaps on without learning how to return home. After meeting (and falling in love with) a princess, the prince learns how to return home, and brings her home with him. When she is abducted and feigns mental illness, will the two young lovebirds ever find happiness?

truth b told

Certainty ain't certain. Reasoning fluctuates. Thresholds contract. Questions emerge. Doubt abounds. Truth is, some things require re-examination, fresh eyes and shifting perspectives. If we're still thinking and speaking and believing old-school beliefs, perhaps it's time for a shift. How willing are you to see something differently?

Family Folktales logo

Welcome to The Arabian Nights Entertainments! This is the thirteenth of 16 parts that make up Andrew Lang’s The Arabian Nights Entertainments. In this series, you’ll hear some familiar stories, some new stories, and even stories within stories. Our story today is The Story of Ali Cogia, Merchant of Bagdad. A man is declared innocent of theft. Will the Caliph overturn a judgement after watching children play?

Body positivity is an important issue to address for young people. Self-esteem can have effects on confidence and academic achievement, as well as social-emotional skills. Establishing a healthy inner dialogue can shift every aspect of the human experience! Learn about a couple of captivating children's books about body image that can speak to kids and adults alike!