These services are of specific interest to Educators. See a list of all available library services.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Borrow books and articles not owned by Nashville Public Library. Sign in to a personal, secure, ILL account to submit your requests.
Tours and School Visits
Visit the Main Library for guided tours, educational experiences, and self-guided tours. Request a visit from a librarian. Children's Services, Teen Services, Special Collections, Studio NPL, and Bringing Books to Life can bring programs to your group.
Adult Literacy
Adult Literacy supports organizations serving adult learners by offering information, access to education technologies and tools, and professional development.
Bringing Books to Life (BBTL)
Bringing Books to Life is a preschool literacy initiative that emphasizes the importance of developing literacy skills by educating teachers, preschoolers, and parents. Designed around the library's award winning marionette shows, BBTL is committed to promoting developmentally appropriate literacy education the widest possible audience.
Curriculum Kits
Educators may borrow curriculum kits for the classroom. Each kit contains up to fifty books, audio, and videos based on popular classroom study topics. Over one-hundred topics including Asia, the Solar System, Composers, Weather, Art History. Kits are geared for either grades K -2, 3 - 5, or 6 - 8.
Library as Classroom
Use our convenient classroom space in the Civil Rights Room to bring your entire class for an on-site lesson.
Limitless Libraries
Limitless Libraries is a cooperative program of Nashville Public Library and Metro Nashville Public Schools with the goal of improving school libraries, fostering resource sharing between the two institutions, and improving student access to learning materials.
Pathway for New Americans
Pathway for New Americans is a partnership between US Citizenship and Immigration Services and the city of Nashville. It’s a community-wide approach to promoting citizenship education and awareness in Davidson County.
Puppet Truck
The Puppet Truck works in conjunction with the library’s Bringing Books to Life! program to provide literacy outreach and educational programs to preschools and daycare centers. Puppet Truck programs inspire a love of books through engaging, three dimensional performances of classic children’s literature. The 45-minute interactive presentation incorporate stories, songs, music, puppets from the library’s extensive and growing collection.
Studio NPL
Studio NPL is an innovative, technology driven learning environment for teens aged 12-18. Daily workshops are mentor led, and focus on building 21st century skills in STEM, digital literacy, and career readiness. Whether you want to be an engineer, an inventor, a filmmaker, a photographer, a graphic artist, a musician, or anything else, Studio NPL has resources and the nurturing environment for teens to explore and engage their passions.