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Meeting Room and Study Room Policy

Meeting Rooms

Nashville Public Library (NPL) branch meeting rooms are available to local non-profit organizations or groups of a public, civic, educational, literary or cultural nature and to governmental agencies free of charge. Groups may be asked to furnish a copy of their charter verifying non-profit status.

Use of the branch meeting rooms is only available during normal operating hours.

All meetings in branch libraries must be open to the general public and news media for the entire duration of the room booking. No private events are allowed. For private meetings and events, please see Main Library Meeting Room Policy and Private Events Policy.

The Library Board remains the final authority regarding use of library facilities. The needs of NPL and the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County take precedence over other groups requesting use of library facilities. NPL reserves the right to limit use where the demands for meeting space so require.

Groups using the meeting rooms, with the exception of programs or events sponsored or hosted by the Nashville Public Library Foundation (NPLF) or government agencies, may not charge admission, charge fees for services rendered, solicit donations, or collect dues or membership fees. Sales or promotional activities may not occur in any of the rooms or on library property. Exceptions are activities by NPLF and organizations collaborating with NPL in advancing specific library services and programs.

The organization or responsible individual will be held financially responsible for any damage incurred. NPL reserves the right to deny future meeting room use based on reservation no-shows, documented misuse of the meeting room, or damage or mess left from use of the meeting room.

The meeting rooms, as well as all library property, may not be used for individual political campaign speeches or activities. Campaign activities are defined as those activities directly related, pro or con, to the campaign of individual political candidates or ballot issues.

NPL meeting rooms may not be used for any activity that interferes with its operations. No personal events such as birthday parties, showers, receptions, etc. may be held in meeting rooms.

In publicizing a meeting to be held in an NPL meeting room, the sponsoring group must be clearly identified. Groups must not imply NPL sponsorship of their program or organization, or include the NPL’s contact information in their publicity unless they have received explicit permission to do so. Use of a meeting room does not constitute endorsement of the program by the Nashville Public Library Board or NPL.

Meeting organizers may not require personal information of meeting attendees.

NPL reserves the right to withdraw permission for meeting room use when conditions warrant such action.

Study Rooms

NPL study rooms are available for general public use, free of charge during regular operating hours. Study rooms may be used by one or more people. Use must not exceed the maximum occupancy for the study room. Users may not charge fees or solicit donations for activities performed in or as a result of the use of a study room.

Failure to follow library policies and procedures may result in the loss of future use privileges.

Approved by Library Board, effective April 16, 2019

Request a Space

Request a Meeting Room (Branch Libraries)

Request a Study Room (System-Wide)

Request the Conference Center (Main Library)