The drive-up book return closure at Southeast branch is temporarily closed. Please bring items inside or return to any other NPL location during this time.
Public computers are available to all Nashville Public Library customers.
To support access for all customers, the Library will enforce time limits on public computers.
The customer must leave the public computer once his/her session has expired.
In accordance with the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) (Pub. L. 106-554), all public computers are equipped with filtering software. The software is set to screen out sites which may reasonably be construed as obscene, as that term is defined in section 1460 of title 18, United States Code; or child pornography, as that term is defined in section 2256 of title 18, United States Code; or harmful to minors as defined in section 1703, Pub. L 106-544. Customers 18 years of age and older with proof of age may request that Library staff disable the filtering software. The software will not be disabled for customers 17 and under for any reason.
Filters on public computers in the Children’s and Young Adult areas will not be disabled for any reason.
Problems with public computers must be reported immediately to Library staff. Do not try to disconnect, reconnect or remove any equipment, or otherwise fix problems.
Only software owned and installed by the Library may be run on any of the public computers. Customers may not load software from any source (diskettes, CD-ROMs, Internet, etc.) or change any settings.
Customer-owned headphones may be used with public computers where headphone jacks are easily accessible. Computers may not be physically moved in order to use headphone jacks.
Except for headphones and storage devices (flash/jump drives, etc.), only hardware owned and installed by Nashville Public Library may be used with the public computers. You may not connect any other devices such as, but not limited to, modems, joysticks, mice, printers, digital cameras, scanners to Library equipment.
The Library is not responsible for damage to or loss of data from power interruption, PC viruses, hard disk failure, faulty software, or any other cause. The use of Library computer equipment and the entering of personal information or data (e.g., credit card numbers, home address) are at your own risk.
It is unlawful to duplicate copyrighted or licensed software for use beyond that specified in the licensing agreement. No unauthorized or illegal duplication of software will be allowed on Library equipment.
Material not saved to storage devices (flash/jump drives, etc.) before the end of a session will be lost. Customers must supply their own disks for downloading and saving data.
One person per computer. Exceptions may be made by Library staff. Permission will not be granted to persons conducting for-profit computer instruction.
Library staff will provide informational documents concerning computer hardware, software, and wireless Internet as requested.
Library computer equipment and software must be used in a responsible manner. Excessive sound levels, deliberate misuse, hacking, introduction of computer viruses, or any other inappropriate uses are not permitted.
Nashville Public Library provides Catalog-Only computers for patron use. Catalog-Only computers do not require a card or a ticket.
Catalog-Only computers do not access the Internet, Microsoft Office applications, or other Library computer resources.
Requests for Equal Access Accommodations may be made to Library staff.
Failure to comply with the above guidelines may result in suspension of Library privileges per the “Rules of Conduct Governing the Use of the Public Library of Nashville and Davidson County.”
Guidelines for Obtaining Computer Tickets
Nashville Public Library Cards provide both public computer use and full material checkout privileges.
Fines do not affect public computer use.
A customer with an expired library card must renew his/her library card or obtain a computer ticket to use the public computers.
Any customer without an active library card may acquire a computer ticket. The Library will require no identification for a computer ticket.
Computer tickets will expire after one day.
Computer tickets allow the use of public computers but do not allow visitors to check out materials.
Computer tickets are intended for personal use and may not be shared.
A universal barcode and PIN will be used when accessing wireless Internet. This will be given by a Library staff member and will differ per location. There is no time limit on wireless Internet use.
All public computers will shut down 15 minutes before closing time.
Print jobs must be sent to the print release station before the customer’s reserved time has expired.
Failure to comply with the above guidelines may result in suspension of Library privileges, per the “Rules of Conduct Governing the Use of the Public Library of Nashville and Davidson County.”
Guidelines for Time Limits
The time limit for Library computer use is 1 hour. There are exceptions based on special use computers.
Customers are allotted a 5-minute grace period to sign on to their reserved computer at the appropriate time.
Customers may be offered time extension at the end of their session if there are enough available computers.
Once a customer’s session is over, the public computer will automatically end the session. Any data not saved to customer’s storage device (flash/jump drives, etc.) will be lost.
Customers must supply their own storage devices for downloading and saving data. There are also options for personal cloud storage.
Logging off ends a session; any outstanding time will be lost.
Each public computer will display a floating clock to alert customers to the amount of computer time remaining in each session. One pop-up warning will appear 6 minutes prior to shutdown.
Failure to comply with the above guidelines may result in suspension of Library privileges, per the “Rules of Conduct Governing the Use of the Public Library of Nashville and Davidson County.”