It’s that time of year again. Time to be with the one you love and buy them cheap candy and expensive jewelry. Yes, that’s right, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.
And to you I say, BAH! Humbug.
Instead of writing about some schmoopy, bodice-rippy romance novel (insert fake kissy sounds here), I’m going to write about something else I love.
The Gilmore Girls. (Don’t be shocked. You know you love them too.)
2016 was a great year for the girls of Gilmore. The original series was released on Netflix and then in the fall, we also got to enjoy the reboot. I was one of those crazy fans who spurned the zillions of Black Friday sales to stay home and watch my favorite family revived on TV.
And to top it all off, I just recently found out that Lauren Graham wrote a book! (Well, another book, but I’d already read her novel). The new one was about what it was like to be a Gilmore. Also, I loved the title: “Talking as Fast as I Can.” If you don’t already know, it’s kind of become this thing that people on this show talk fast. Now, I’m from the north (Yankee alert), and I never noticed it. I’ve been known to be a quick talker in my day as well and it took me a long time to adjust to the fact that y’all…talk…slower…down…here. So I love the fast-paced patter.
I also LOVED this book. Seriously. I would have read it all in one session, but I had to take a break and go to church. It was a close thing, though. Lauren Graham was always my favorite Gilmore – even though I’m technically closer in age to Rory. I wish we could be best buddies. (Seriously Lauren. My phone number is 615 – LOVEYOU.)
Ok, I’ll stop gushing now, but if you are any kind of Gilmore fan you need to read this book. Oh, and she was in some other stuff too – blah blah blah. Whatever. Gilmores forever!
Happy Fangirling…
:) Amanda