Today is opening day of the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang (pyuhng-chahng), South Korea. Athletes from around the world will gather to test their skills and show their abilities. Check out these titles about children and animals that compete in their own olympic games and then stage your olympics right at home.
Olympig has been training hard and is ready to be the first pig to compete in the Animal Olympics. Will he succeed??
Ideas for Olympic Events
Laundry Basket Bobsled Races: Grab a low laundry basket, wrap a bungee cord or belt around the handle, have your little one hop in the basket, and race down the hallway. If you have older kids, they can team up with smaller kids in the baskets and bigger kids pulling. If it's just you and your little one, have them pull a teddy bear as you time them.
Olympic Ring Toss: Use chenille stems, coat hangers, or braclets to create your own olympic rings. Then try to toss them around a stick or into a basket. You can change the size of the rings or distance back from the target based on the age and ability of your child.
Paper Towel Luge: Reuse those leftover wrapping paper rolls or a pool noodle to create a track. Cut the roll in half and attach it to a chair or table. This creates a track for any number of things to race down. Grab marbles or toy cars, Little People or sticks, even peas would work! See what goes down the fastest or use both halves to create two tracks to race items. (This can even be a moment to talk about mass and gravity if you know some science and want to share with your kid!)
Indoor Ice Skating: Find some space on the floor and create a dance routine to a song. Talk to your child about ice skaters practicing their routines before they go onto the ice and pretend you are preparing for your own big skate. Bonus points if you've got a great costume for dress up!
There are so many other ways to create fun learning experience around the olympics. For more ideas, check out Trip Junkie or Pinterest and let your imagination go wild!