You’ll be hearing us say this all summer long, but #LibrariesRock. That's the theme—the anthem—of this Summer Reading Challenge. There is a long list of reasons why #LibrariesRock, but kicking it off this summer is actual, literal rock & roll!
Library Pete & the Storytime band are hitting the Main stage (of the Main Library, that is) this summer for two mornings only: Friday and Saturday, June 22 and 23, at 10:30 AM. We’ll drop some new material on our pint-sized fans, including a medley of nursery rhymes to the tune of rock classics. If you've never seen the Story Time Band in concert, this is Library Pete up to his usual antics (singing, juggling, puppeteering) plus (drum roll): a live 6-piece rock band!
If you can’t make it to the Main stage this weekend, there's a whole host of kid friendly bands touring our branches all summer long. What Branch? Which Branch? Click here for the schedule.
On the Country-fried side, do not miss String City at the Country Music Hall of Fame July 2nd-14th Click here for showtimes, which tells the history of country music with marionettes and other puppets made by the library's own Wishing Chair Productions.
And don't forget to give yourself credit for attending a FREE library event on this year's Summer Reading Challenge for chances to win cool stuff.