Did we make it? Is summer over yet? It’s probably still 100 degrees outside right now, huh? Sigh. I’m not gonna lie. Summer is not my favorite season. Especially now, since I’m out of school and don’t get the big vacation. I love fall, and not just because that’s when my birthday happens. I enjoy the cool days, staying inside, watching leaves fall and making something yummy like applesauce. It makes the house smell so good. Long-time readers know that my favorite subjects to talk about are food and music. Since I’ve spent the summer talking about music (yay Summer Challenge!), I’ve been saving this one.
I’ll be honest, when I picked up the first season of Milk Street, I wasn’t impressed. I’d known about Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street podcast, but I’d never really gotten into it. And the recipes on the back of the DVD box looked a little fancy for me.
And then I watched the first episode.
By the end of the episode, I’d already downloaded three recipes from the website – Chinese White-Cooked Chicken, Brown Sugar Tart, and Japanese Milk Bread – which I had to get from another source, but which was mentioned by the folks on Milk Street. I haven’t had a chance to try any of them yet, but after watching a couple of episodes, I know I can do it.
It’s not that the recipes are specific, but they teach broad techniques that you can apply to other recipes as well. Or they teach you about an ingredient that you might not be familiar with (hello, tahini). I like that their recipes give you options.
If you like to cook and want to explore a little further, check out this series. And now I have to go back and finish watching the last couple of episodes so that I can turn in the discs so you can watch them.
Happy cooking…
:) Amanda