Yep. I said it. Story times help foster your child’s development.
In story time, your child will have many opportunities to practice and master skills that are key to growing a lifelong reader. And, you, as a parent/caregiver, will learn tips and tricks of things you can do at home to continue the learning process.
You should go to story time because…
We read books.
Books that teach social behaviors. Books that teach rhythm and rhyme. Books that encourage visual stimulation. Books that make you laugh. Books that inspire.
We sing songs.
Songs that develop gross motor skills, like jumping and spinning. Songs that slow down words and introduce the concept of syllables and word parts. Songs that develop fine motor skills that help little hands get ready for holding pencils and crayons. Songs that make you freeze. Songs that encourage memory skills and sequences.
We develop new skills.
We play and learn to share. We dance and practice staying in our own space. We color and produce masterpieces. We learn to talk and crawl and clap. We make new friends.
We have fun.
We thrive.
Story time at the library is here to help you and your child get ready to read. That may not be your intention when you visit us, but, every time you come, your child practices and develops skills that will later help them on their road to being a successful reader.
You can find a list of all the library's story times here. We hope to see your smiling faces soon!