Zuri’s hair is a wild mess of kinks, coils, and coils, and it seems to have a mind of its own. Zuri is used to this and enjoys the fact that it can be shaped into different things depending on the weather, how she feels, or who’s styling her hair. One day, Zuri wants her dad to do her hair in an especially awesome style. She does not want any old braids, plaits, puffs, or afro. It has to be special. Can dad do it? Well, he will certainly try!
When reading this book, I could see several of my nieces speaking which made me laugh and chuckle in places. The artwork is phenomenal! I love the clarity of the pictures, yet the soft colors and edges. But, the thing I really enjoy is the story itself and the feeling of validation the father shows his child, and her hair. It seems rare to see a father doing his daughter’s hair, listening to what she wants her hair to look like, and putting in the effort to make it as spectacular as she envisions it.
There is this idea that only mothers can be kind and caring towards their children, so it was nice to see a father being portrayed tender to his child.