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When an emperor learns of a nightingale who sings beautifully in his garden, he makes the bird a guest of his court. When the emperor receives a mechanical nightingale as a gift he forgets about the real one, who takes the opportunity to escape the palace. But when the emperor is taken ill, can his mechanical bird comfort him?

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A town’s champion, the swiftest, strongest man in the area, hears of someone even swifter and stronger – one Andras Baive. Determined to prove his superiority, the champion challenges Baive. Who will prove victorious?

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A childless queen has a daughter and son using magical means. After her death and the king’s remarriage, the children are separated – from their father and each other. Will the Princess Dotterine find the life of comfort she was born to, or live a life in service to others?

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Seasons, stages and shifts. Let's hit the rewind button. From our very first episode in 2020 to this one, we're reminiscing and recollecting on the many ways we've created spaces for ourselves and the women we were during each season of Truth B Told.

Up close view of the card from President Clinton
In celebration of the holiday season, Metro Archives is featuring the Jo Ann Connor Collection in our latest exhibit. The collection consists of Christmas cards that Jo Ann received from various U.S. presidents over the years, following her husband's MIA status during the Vietnam War. The cards span from President Nixon to President Obama. Here's the story behind how she received the cards, and how they ended up in our repository!