Metro Archives holds marriage records from 1788–1916. For marriage records after 1916, please contact Metro Archives.
Metro Archives holds marriage records from 1788–1916. For marriage records after 1916, please contact Metro Archives.
The online index files for 1788–1830 are arranged by year and by groom's last name.
Marriages, 1788–1789 (pdf)
Marriages, 1800–1804 (pdf)
Marriages, 1805–1808 (pdf)
Marriages, 1809–1811 (pdf)
Marriages, 1812–1814 (pdf)
Marriages, 1815–1817 (pdf)
Marriages, 1818–1819 (pdf)
Marriages, 1820–1822 (pdf)
Marriages, 1823–1824 (pdf)
Marriages, 1825–1826 (pdf)
Marriages, 1827–1828 (pdf)
Marriages, 1829–1830 (pdf)
The 1864–1902 marriage index lists records by both bride and groom. Each record lists the names, date, and a reference to the marriage book and page number where it is recorded. The letter "A" following a name indicates that the individual was African-American.
The 1905–1916 marriage index is arranged by groom's last name.
Abbe–Baines (pdf)
Baird–Bennett (pdf)
Benson–Branson (pdf)
Brantley–Burus (pdf)
Busby–Cato (pdf)
Catrell–Cooper (pdf)
Cope–Davis (pdf)
Davison–Duke (pdf)
Duling–Farrell (pdf)
Farris–Gant (pdf)
Gard–Greathouse (pdf)
Green–Harding (pdf)
Hardison–Higgins (pdf)
High–Howser (pdf)
Hoy–Jennings (pdf)
Jensen–Kelzer (pdf)
Kemp–Linton (pdf)
Lipman–Marsh (pdf)
Marshall–McKinley (pdf)
McKinney–Morrissey (pdf)
Morrow–Olford (pdf)
Olinger–Petrie (pdf)
Petrone–Rawls (pdf)
Ray–Roe (pdf)
Roehrig–Seay (pdf)
Sediver–Snell (pdf)
Snider–Sumner (pdf)
Sundy–Tisdale (pdf)
Tittle–Ward (pdf)
Warden–Wiggs (pdf)
Wilburn–Zwingle (pdf)