Printable Guides and Tip Sheets for Parents
Parents Ultimate Guides (Common Sense Media): Information about common technologies used by children and teens. Easy to understand descriptions of platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Minecraft, and Fortnite keep parents up to date on current technology.
Parent's Guides (ConnectSafely.org): Printable guides cover topics, like privacy and cyberbullying as well as specific apps, like SnapChat, Instagram, and more.
Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide (U.S. Department of Education): Printable guide covers digital learning benefits, access, and success.
Videos to Watch with Your Children
When is the Right Age to Start Social Media? (Common Sense Media): Myles Bess from Above the Noise hosts this video which examines the positive and negative effects of social media. Excellent for parents and kids!
6 Ways Your Kids Can Protect Their Online Identities (Common Sense Media) This video shows easy practices children can follow to protect their privacy. It is very kid-friendly and would be great to watch with your children.
Screen Time: How Much is Too Much (Common Sense Media): Myles Bess, in his entertaining and engaging style, discusses screen time in this video. This would be a meaningful watch for both parents and youth.
Smart Password (ConnectSafely): Video and tips from connectsafely.org explain the importance of strong passwords and gives tips on how to create one.