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Poetry Panoply III

We complete our examination of English Romantic poetry with the special addition here of Lycidas, by John Milton. Although written before the Romantic period in English literature, its importance as an elegy often compared to Shelley’s Adonais is worthy of our best attention. For an American version of the elegy, listen to Walt Whitman’s “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” here on Just Listen.

Poetry Panoply III is comprised of the following poems: 

Lycidas by John Milton

Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats” by Percy Bysshe Shelley

“Ode to the West Wind” by Percy Bysshe Shelley

“Hymn to Intellectual Beauty” by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Poetry Panoply III…we begin….