In support of the Library’s mission and vision to connect our community, Nashville Public Library (NPL) provides Conference Center meeting rooms at the Main Library to individuals, groups, and organizations in the public and private sector. The use of the Conference Center facilities shall be in accordance with the policies set by the NPL Board and NPL procedures.
This policy applies to the use of the Conference Center meeting rooms at the Main Library during normal operating hours. Other meeting spaces within Main Library are reserved for library operations. This policy does not apply to private events held at Main Library after operating hours. (See Private Events Policy)
The NPL Director and NPL Board have the authority to make exceptions to the rules set out in this policy.
Use of Library Facilities
- NPL does not discriminate when making its facilities and meeting rooms available for public use. NPL does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, language, gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, creed, or disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services, or activities.
- Permission to use NPL facilities and meeting rooms does not constitute or imply NPL endorsement of the policies or beliefs of the group or organization using the room. Clients must not use advertising and publicity which imply that their programs are sponsored, co-sponsored, endorsed, or approved by NPL, unless NPL has given permission.
- NPL has priority use of facilities and meeting rooms.
- All NPL-sponsored events are open to the public and media.
- Activities held in the Conference Center may not interfere with regular library operations and library-sponsored events.
- NPL will determine the number and nature of events to be held in its facilities.
- NPL reserves the right to review each prospective use and determine whether that use falls within the scope of this policy.
- NPL staff or representatives may enter premises at any time and on any occasion.
Room Rental
- No rental fee is charged to government agencies, NPL sponsored events, or the Nashville Public Library Foundation (NPLF) during operating hours.
- NPLF Business Members are charged the non-profit rate.
- NPLF Corporate Sponsors can use Conference Center spaces free of charge once per calendar year (subject to availability).
- Waiver of fees applies to room rental only and does not include incidental expenses.
- If any additional library space is needed, an additional setup and teardown fee will be applied.