Fall Fun for Everyone
Incorporate more variety into your students' after school life this year. With a growing schedule of programs and events, Studio NPL proudly caters to all students.
A Study in Motion and Sound
Take Brooklynne, a junior from Hume-Fogg who's been at work almost daily using Flash and Photoshop to produce animated videos set to some of her favorite songs. It’s been amazing watching the progression of her projects and growing passion for drawing and technology, as she extends what likely began in the classroom manifest even more fully in the Studio. We even see how naturally her work in the Studio links to STEM Standards, which, really, drive all of our programming.
The Future Starts Now With STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Studio NPL Comes to You
To enhance our integration of STEM education and continue to engage a wider Nashville community, we enlisted retired science teacher Chris Trawinski who’s been working closely with our mobile labs and mentors to ensure “that the lessons we are introducing for use in the classroom are relevant and meet the standards.”
“I love what I see every time I’m in the Studio,” Trawinski says of her time working with students throughout the county. “Students are so interactive, curious, willing to ask questions, help and support each other, and enjoy what they are doing.”
Find Your Place
This fall find your inner HOMAGO and come Hang Out, Mess Around, and Geek Out at one of our Studios, from the flagship Main Library location to any of our many branches, or even one of our pop-up mobile labs throughout the county.