That small reading task force created an event – Read Across America Day celebrated on Dr. Seuss’ Birthday – to promote and build lifelong, successful readers. Schools, libraries, and bookstores across the nation plan special events just for this day to celebrate the joy of reading.
This year, the 20th year of Read Across America, NEA celebrates a nation of diverse readers. They have recommended books that will appeal to all ages that highlight the beauty of our community, our nation, and our world.
NEA’s Read Across America Recommended Titles:
So, plan out some time to read with your child this week on Thursday, March 2nd. You can read to them or have them read to you. Whatever you do, it’s a wonderful way to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday as well as a way to develop a lifelong, successful reader!
You may also enjoy these Dr. Seuss titles:
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