The holidays are officially here! Here are three ways to celebrate the holidays with your family (without breaking the bank!)
1. Attend a free, family-friendly program
Catch your favorite holiday movie, enjoy a holiday concert featuring the Grand Old Dulcimer Club, meet some special guests flown in all the way from the North Pole -- the possibiities are endless! Check our library events calendar to see all that we offer across the city.
2. Give the gift of the library! (And get your once-in-a-lifetime, commemorative 2017 Library of the Year card)
Did you know that your Nashville Public Library was named THE library of the year for 2017? WELL, WE WERE. And we're giving out special 2017 Library of the Year cards to celebrate! Bring your existing card into the library to swap for a snazzy new commemorative one. Free until January 1st! And do you know someone who doesn't have a card yet but needs one? Bring them in and get them signed up! Here's what they'll need to bring. (Remember -- children and teens who attend a Metro-Nashville public school can use their student ID number as their "library card.")
3. Celebrate your favorite holiday—and learn about a holiday different from your own!
There are so many wonderful customs and traditions for holidays around the world. Now is a perfect time to learn about how other families just like yours celebrate their favorite holidays too! Here are some books to get you started.
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