In previous posts, we've shared library patrons' resolutions and the matching resources to help them stay on track. Our final patron-on-a resolution mission is...
Juanita F., Edmondson Pike Branch
Juanita's resolution for 2019: do some recommended exercise each day.
We have the perfect inititative for Juanita. It's called Be Well at NPL, and it includes free exercise classes, health education workshops, healthy cooking and nutrition demonstrations, and more.
Every day, all around Davidson County, Juanita can attend a free Medicare seminar, a yoga class, or a meditation session. Right at her home branch library, Edmondson Pike, she can take advantage of Senior Medical University 101—monthly health-related presentations for seniors (and lunch too!).
By taking advantage of free events like this—and as she meets others who have similar goals to build a support network—Juanita should have no trouble getting some exercise every day in 2019. Visit Be Well at NPL online now and see how much it can do for you, too.
More health resources from your library
Does your resolution for the year involve improving your health? Check out Medline Plus.
Got a teenager at home who'd rather look things up for themself than ask you? Let them know about this health and wellness resource especially for them.
It can be tough to stick to new goals, especially if it's cold and dreary outside. But venture out anyway: our librarians are here to offer free resources and cheer you on as you stick to your resolutions.