Cookiesaurus Christmas [[nid:5928]]
Cookiesaurus Christmas is the second in the Cookiesaurus Rex series. Cookiesaurus Rex is determined to end up on Santa's cookie plate but he soon finds out his family has an even more important job for him. Warning: You're going to want to make cookies after you read this book!
Captain Bling’s Christmas Plunder [[nid:5929]]
Written in the style of "The Night Before Christmas," this book has Captain Bling and his pirates running aground at the North Pole and proceeding to steal all the toys Santa and his elf crew have made for Christmas. Will Santa be forced to walk the plank and Christmas be ruined for everyone? Read this book to find out!
A Mustache Baby Christmas [[nid:5930]]
Baby Javier's beard turns white at Christmas time and he turns into Santa Baby! It's his job to deliver gifts to all of the babies in the world but—uh oh!—he didn't have time to make presents. In steps Baby Billy who offers to be Santa Baby's elf, and he creates a bunch of toys that he then decides to keep for himself. Santa Baby is forced to put Baby Billy on the naughty list and now there are no toys for the babies of the world. Who will save Christmas? Check out A Mustache Baby Christmas (and others in this series) to find out!
Sad Santa [[nid:5931]]
It's December 26th and Santa is depressed. As hard as Santa tries he just can't cheer up even when the elves and reindeer try to help him. Finally Mrs. Claus suggests a vacation so they load up the sleigh with the reindeer and elves, and set off for the beach where Santa continues to mope. Can Santa get his holiday mojo back? Surely he will!
The Day Santa Stopped Believing in Harold [[nid:5932]]
Who knew Santa could start doubting in children just like children start doubting in Santa? Santa and Harold both decide they require proof and set out planning how to learn the truth. Cut to the M&Ms commercial we've all seen a million times—"He's real!" "They're real!" Everyone faints. Well it doesn't go quite like that in this book but Harold and Santa are each delighted to discover that the other is, in fact, real.
Santa's Underwear [[nid:5933]]
Oh, no! Santa's special Christmas underwear has gone missing! He can't deliver Christmas presents in his Valentine's Day boxers or his Easter jelly bean briefs! What will Santa do? He learns that a special gift from friends can make all the difference.
Pig the Elf [[nid:5934]]
Pig is a pug, as in a dog, not a pig. With disturbing, bulgy round eyes and tiny pupils, Pig is a shouty, screaming ungrateful little brat with a mile-long Christmas list who bites Santa on the... tushy when he doesn't get what he wants. Don't worry! There are consequences to his actions. You'll just have to read to find out what!
Vegetables in Holiday Underwear [[nid:5935]]
If you've never read Vegetables in Underwear stop right now and put it on hold. I'll wait right here for you to come back.... Ok, now that that's covered, Vegetables in Holiday Underwear is almost as good as the first one! Green Pea has waited all year long for holiday underwear season but Broccoli is confused so Green Pea tells him about all the different types of underwear for different occassions and activities. Will Broccoli be convinced?
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