Did you know that many of your favorite picture books are also available in Spanish? Yes! No matter what language you feel most comfortable reading in, you can share all your favorite books together as a family!
Did you know that many of your favorite picture books are also available in Spanish? Yes! No matter what language you feel most comfortable reading in, you can share all your favorite books together as a family!
Check out these other picture books available in both English and Spanish.
Parents and caregivers, if you feel more comfortable reading in a language other than English, please read to your child in that language. Research has shown that children do not get "confused" when learning more than one language, and pre-reading skills learned in one language can be transferred and applied to another. If your child is learning to read in English, and feels more comfortable reading in that language, encourage them to read aloud to you in English. That way the whole family receives the benefits of reading aloud!
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