I read this one after reading the first two and this is kind of an amalgamation of the two. All Albert has is his cat and his job. When both of these are threatened, he realizes how alone he really is and he sets out to change it. Like Ove, Albert spends a lot of time alone and like Harold, Albert decides to set out on a quest. In this case, it is to rectify a mistake in Albert’s past and setting up a better future where he isn’t so alone. I thought Albert was inspiring and it kind of made me want to expand my circle of friends. I don’t have big secrets like Albert, but sharing with others is always a good option. I did cry a time or two during this one and had to even walk away at one point because it was so sad, but overall the back half was captivating.
These books aren’t always easy to read, but they will tug at your heartstrings. Just make sure you have some Kleenex close by.
Happy remembering you are not alone (unless you want to be)…
:) Amanda