I am not a famous person (unless this blog counts, then bam!), but I enjoy reading about them all time. These are some of my recent enjoyable celebrity musings. Check them out and see whatcha think.
I am not a famous person (unless this blog counts, then bam!), but I enjoy reading about them all time. These are some of my recent enjoyable celebrity musings. Check them out and see whatcha think.
I love Lauren Graham, aka Lorelai Gilmore. I’ve enjoyed her other writings and this one is no different. I got the audio version, that Graham reads herself, and enjoyed it while I was taking a walk. It’s not long, but Graham offers some great stories. If you are any kind of Gilmore Girls fan, you can’t miss this one.
I heard about this one when Nealon was on The Nateland Podcast and it sounded fun so I checked it. For those of you who aren’t old enough to remember, Nealon spent several years on SNL in the 80s and 90s. Since leaving the show, he has continued doing stand-up, but he has also started exploring his artistic talent. This book showcases various caricatures he did of friends and colleagues. He also includes some fun stories to go with each picture. I really enjoyed this. I maybe liked the stories better than the drawings, but both were fun.
I was a little older when Harry Potter came out, but it didn’t take me long to get sucked into the madness. Draco is the kind of character you love to hate, but Tom Felton does such a great job making him so. Outside of Potter Land, I didn’t know much about Tom, so it was very interesting to read his latest work. (Also, if you get the audio book, he’ll read it for you. Even better, right?) I had no idea that he was The Borrowers or the new Planet of the Apes. If you are any kind of Potterhead, you definitely don’t want to miss this. Turns out Tom is more than just Draco.
Audio book this one all day because Miss Galinda herself will read it to you. I thought it started off a little slow, but by the time we were a few chapters in, she had me. My favorite part was her bad day shopping list: bandaids, bourbon, hairspray, and matches. Yes ma’am. You can have some fun there. It’s a short read, but that makes this all the more enjoyable. Miss Chenoweth, thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I usually check out McCarthy’s books - I mean, I highly enjoyed Weekend at Bernie’s and Pretty in Pink, so why not? This one is probably my favorite. McCarthy, along with his son Sam, head to Spain to walk the Camino de Santiago, a road that runs across the northern part of the country. Pilgrims have been walking this route for centuries, but I had never heard of it. It was an interesting read, but stressful in parts - mostly when Sam wouldn’t get out of bed and McCarthy just left without him. They caught up eventually, but I always worried. Other than that I highly enjoyed this, polishing it off in just two days.
So those are my picks. I’ve met none of these people in real life, but now I feel like we are all friends.
Happy musing - celebrity or otherwise…
:) Amanda