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Be Well at NPL

If you're looking for some simpler, lighter recipes for the summer months, this beautifully designed cookbook will give you the inspiration you need.

Just the Good Stuff book cover

Just the Good Stuff has this magical quality where everything you make is somehow better than it ought to be.

self care kit contents

Self-care is the act of preserving your health and well-being, especially during times of stress. NPL staff share their favorite restorative practices to help them cope.

Together book cover

If you feel yourself withdrawing from others right now after months of limited social interaction, I highly recommend this book.  

Bassam is a storyteller who loves to explore histories, ideologies, and creative offerings devoted to inviting relief, balance, and wellness into life. He is inspired by a path of healing and wholeness by challenging and growing his understanding of true health and wellness. He is satisfied by purring and meowing with his friend Chef and playing the piano.