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Donna Reagan

Donna Reagan has served as Children's Specialist at the Bellevue Branch Library since 2002. She produces My Storytime Place, a local TV show for young children. The ALA's Every Child Ready to Read initiative forms the foundation of her early childhood programming.

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Sea turtles are an important part of the web of life for the planet's survival.  The work of many individuals has made a difference in the survival of the species.  This article mentions one of them.
The Boston Tea Party was the first event that ignited the Revolutionary War.  It was the first step to the country becoming The United States of America and preceded the Declaration of Independence by about two and a half years.
Nashville Public Library has a number of resources that help provide support and reassurance to children and adults with Diabetes I.
Charles Ghigna states that 'to write for children, one must write from the child within."  That philosophy has guided the work of this beloved Alabama author for many years.
Holidays bring opportunities for making memories.  One long-ago Halloween was especially memorable.
October is pumpkin time!  This ancient food source of indigenous peoples all across the Americas continues to be an important part of our lives and is celebrated both nutritionally and aesthetically.
Popcorn has been celebrated as both a food and a decoration for at least 9,000 years.  Any time is the right time for popcorn but fall and winter are made extra special when served up with the treat. 
Children can learn the basic rules of social engagement from an early age.  Nashville Public Library's catalog has the resources for teaching and learning social skills.
Fall brings with it a new crop of apples ready to be enjoyed.  Many elementary school students are learning about apples and the folk hero known as Johnny Appleseed. 
The halcyon days of late summer, 1963, brought about one of the most significant actions of the era.  It brought attention to the problems of inequality and the demands of a people who were willing to stand together and say, "no more."  Congress heard and acted. 
As children begin to understand that they are growing and will one day grow up they think about what they want to become--what kind of work they want to do.  Books help them learn about the possibilities.
Summertime fun times almost always include ice cream!  Celebrate summer with your family by creating your own icy cold treats at home.  It's easy and we have resources!
Elephant and Piggie star in Mo Willems' twenty-five volume award winning series for early readers that will delight both children and adults.
Fairy tales teach important life lessons.  They teach us to be the hero and to have hope as well as taking responsibility for our own actions.  Fairy tales teach us what true beauty is all about.
Sharing short travel experiences outside of the city is a great way to make memories and learn more about our beautiful state's past and present.  Shown is York Mill located on the Wolf River in Pall Mall.
The Memory Box: a Book About Grief by Joanna Rowland, is based upon the author's experience of creating a memory box so she might never forget a dear friend who died.  The closing pages of the book lists several ways to support a child who is experiencing grief and makes suggestions for the creation of a memory box.
The CDC reported that 1 in 54 children were diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in 2016.  The diagnosis can seem daunting but knowledge is power.  Nashville Public Library has the resources to provide knowledge and understanding for parents, friends, siblings and others.
The ancient porquior stories and myths are a delightful explanation of the "hows" and "whys" of nature and humanity.  Choogie Kingfisher, Cherokee National Treasure, is pictured here telling stories. 
Just as it takes many varied pieces of cloth to make a beautiful whole quilt, it takes a diverse group of people to make a beautiful community of many faces.  Nashville Public Library has a number of resources celebrating diversity.