While some people claim that November is an appropriate time to start playing Christmas music, I vehemently disagree.
Wait until December. Please.
And then only Chrismas carols need apply. Yes, I do tend to be somewhat of a traditionalist; I will make an allowance for All I Want for Christmas is You, however.
But there is something to be said for songs and carols that have been passed down for hundreds of years, in hundreds of languages, all over the world. Songs and carols also more adequately convey the expectant nature of the season. In addtion to singing them together, we can also share Christmas songs in picture book form. Read below to find beautifully illustrated versions of beloved Christmas songs and carols.
We Three Kings is one of my favorite Christmas hymns. Written in 1857, this haunting carol celebrates the Three Wise Men of the biblical narrative. Sumptiously illustrated by Russian born artist Gennady Spirin, this illustrated version devotes two full color pages to each verse, and the same image to the refrain:
O star of wonder, star of light
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy earthly light.