I was four years old when two of my father's younger sisters took me and my little sister out to trick-or-treat. I don't remember that part of the day, perhaps because later, another event would overshadow it. I could tell that something was going on with the grown-ups who seemed unusually quiet as they sat around the heater in the "second" room. Today, I would describe the mood as "pensive." Soon, Daddy emerged from the stairway and announced, "His name is William," and there was a joyous cacophony in the room. Grandpa shook Daddy's hand and congratulated him, and other close family members expressed their happiness for him. I still didn't realize the full impact of that reaction to Daddy's announcement, but by the next day I would. I sat on the living room sofa, and my mother carefully placed a little bundle of baby boy in my arms. It was exciting to be holding a real live baby doll!
That day, so long ago, seemed too soon over as we grew up and left home to create lives of our own. On many Halloween nights since then I sat on the front porch steps awaiting trick-or-treaters while talking with him by phone. We shared good memories about family vacations, birthdays, holidays, and the "everyday."
Like most siblings, we didn't always get along, but we shared our lives as we navigated the process of growing up. Conflict and conflict resolution were a part of that process. Sometimes it was hard to share my parents with my brother and sister. At those times I wished to be an only child, but I'm glad I wasn't; I would have missed so much. Sometimes a parent comes into the library looking for books for their children when a baby is on the way. Several helpful titles from our children's collection are listed below. Check it out!