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Listen Live

Nashville Talking Library's programming is intended solely for individuals who cannot read conventional print due to a disability. Our programs may not be copied or redistributed. After submitting the required eligibility application, you may listen to the Talking Library several ways.

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We are on the air seven days a week, 24 hours a day. View the program guide or schedule for programming details.

View the Program Guide

View a daily schedule in list format. Includes volunteer reader names and program sources.

View the Broadcast Schedule

Monthly schedule lists days and times in a one-page grid format for easy reference.

Hear the Schedule by Phone

Listen to the schedule by calling (615) 862-5876.


Ways to Listen

talking library alexa skill

Amazon Echo

Use our custom “Alexa Skill” to listen on the Echo and other Alexa-enabled devices. For more information, see the Talking Library Alexa Skill page on Amazon.

  1. To enable the skill say, “Alexa, Enable Nashville Talking Library.” You only need to enable it once.
  2. After enabling, anytime you want to listen just say, “Alexa, play Nashville Talking Library.” 

If you don’t already have an Echo, we’ll loan you one free. We only loan Echos to Davidson County residents.

  • New listeners: Fill out the application form and select that you want an Echo.
  • Existing listeners: Contact us and request an Echo.
simple radio app

Mobile Devices

Use the Simple Radio app to listen to the Talking Library stream.

  1. Download the Simple Radio app for free from the Apple Store or Google Play.
  2. Search within the app for “Nashville Talking Library.”
  3. Tap to add Nashville Talking Library to your favorites, then call up again the next time you listen.


Call (631) 359-9315 to listen.

Long distance charges may apply if your phone plan does not include free long-distance calling. You can use either a cell phone or a landline.

special receiver for talking library

Special Radio Receiver

When you apply, we can mail you a free, specially-tuned, easy-to-use radio receiver. The radio is on loan to you for as long as you need it.